Dynamics of Recovery

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Accepting That You Are Powerless Is Empowering

That statement might seem contradictory or confusing but let me clarify. You must accept utter defeat before you can get any solution; acceptance is really the key. Einstein famously said that you cannot solve any problem with the same thinking you used when you created them.

The mind is so explosive and impulsive at the same time; the arrogance of the mind can take you into a path of darkness. We, addicts, try to control everything and every person with no real path to success. Even when we ask for help, we usually then interfere by being a bad actor and sabotaging any progress or good results.

The mind is teaming with illusions and delusions. These cannot be overcome using simply your will or force. The indicator is the unmanageability of your life. It will appear in every aspect of your life along with a healthy dose of rebellion and resistance. And these are the traits that got you in the position you are in now.

Being overwhelmed by the unmanageability or the deluge of failure, you have no more clever ideas or temporary solutions.

It is only when you adopt the idea that ‘I am powerless over people, places, and things’ that the omnipotent God can become present in your life, whether you call him God, Source, infinite Power, Light, or Divine Source.

It is only by surrendering and accepting that there is a power greater than yourself that real change can happen. When a man is drowning, he will pull you under. The drowning man must surrender fully in order to be saved.

When you surrender, you become sweetly reasonable. You accept the help and have no more of your solutions that have not worked for years and years. You become free from your own suggestions and instructions.

Your ideas, emotions, and attitudes have dominated you in the past but now you allow for a rearrangement of new ideas.

But the first step is to surrender and accept that you are powerless. and in this moment, you will start to hear the tiny whispers of truth and light that can enter into your awareness.