Dynamics of Recovery

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From Kindness to Wholeness

We all have a need for love, acceptance, and approval. We can never make these needs go away. And because life and people are not perfect in our world, many of our needs were not met when we were young. This created painful memories, basically a wound. We usually try and hide our wounds with a personality wall. We hide the pain from others and even ourselves. We tuck this one away. We keep that one protected and hidden. We don’t want to feel that pain again because it was hurtful enough when it happened! Eventually, we even start to believe the cover story we have created.


The easiest way to heal our psychological wounding is to focus on sharing kindness. How does that work, that sounds too easy. Well, it does sound easy at first, but it has to be genuine kindness to another human being. Try practicing this for one whole day.


When you move throughout your day sharing kindness toward others a surprising thing happens. You will come face to face with your wounding and your level of need. With just one day of focusing upon genuinely sharing kindness, what happens is that you will run into a place where you are simply out of fuel. There is no more energy to be kind. And then note the moment you resent doing this. When there is that moment of resentment, observe without judgment as you move into introspection to look deeper within. And what you will find is your wound. But more importantly, beyond the wound is an unfulfilled need from the past.


And here is the opportunity to begin fulfilling your level of need. Do you need to simply accept yourself more? And then share that acceptance with another person. And it is through this genuine exchange of kindness that you will start your journey to healing, the journey to becoming authentic and whole. Our lives have never worked well when we are aloof, cold, and distant toward others or even animals. You have an amazing power within and you never have to look outside to others for your healing. Simple, yes. Easy, probably not. But absolutely worth it! 

Instagram: dynamics_of_recovery