If You Don't Know What You Stand For, You Will Fall For Anything
Our minds are a lot more vulnerable to outside suggestions and influences than most people realize. We are susceptible to each and every person that we come into contact with, especially people in power or people that we admire. Our parental figures affect our values and beliefs. Our religious organizations heavily influence us; the schools also play a part as well as our peers, television, print advertising, and even cartoons. Television commercials are in fact a form of mind control often not rooted in facts but shown with the intention of playing on our emotions. The way our parents relate to each other is imprinted into our subconscious minds whether we ever think about it or not. You have probably caught yourself acting like your parents without even thinking about it first.
Do you know that most people never question why they believe in certain things or do things a certain way? The art of introspection has not been taught nor valued in most parts of society.
The best thing about the COVID- 19 Pandemic is that people have had time to reflect and assess their lives and decide just what is a priority for them. People are asking themselves, “Who am I and what is important in my life?”
The mind is so easy to corrupt if there are no principles acting as your guiding North Star. Principles are foundational truths that can never be corrupted. Like a house built on a sturdy foundation that holds you up and supports you. Honesty is honesty. It gives you a direction that produces a healthy outcome. Living from principles is the Divine reaction to life. Because if you don’t know what you stand for, you will fall for anything.
And most importantly, always learn to find your own authentic self buried beneath all the outside influences that are interfering with who you really are.