The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth
This is a pretty well-known quote from the Bible and I have often contemplated its meaning. It seems to me that every time we are faced with a challenge, there appears a fork in the road. One path leads toward humility, surrender, and acceptance. The other path leads to fighting the inevitable, doubling down, and resistance. This passage from the bible is giving us a clue as to which choice will lead to more fulfillment in our lives.
Every time we see something as a setback or roadblock, our ego takes over and our rational mind tries to solve the issue. Every time we engage in self-pity or anger, the clever mind is in control of our behaviors and attitudes.
If we take the road less traveled and accept our challenges with humility and faith, it feeds and nourishes our soul and therefore our spiritual growth. If we can have faith that every life lesson we are presented with is for our highest good, then we can stop resisting life itself.
It is through this attitude shift that new opportunities will be given to you. When you realize that you are not in control of everything and everybody in your life, a sense of freedom emerges. When you can live in humility and gratefulness, you will become like the “meek” and you can inherit all the bounties that are available here on earth. But you will also soon realize that the most valuable bounties are not material in nature.
The clever mind will try to trick you into believing that becoming humble and meek is a sign of weakness; being vulnerable is being weak. But the truth is that is just one choice. Our experience proves otherwise. We ask you to become meek, become humble and you will reap countless rewards from life.