Dynamics of Recovery

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The Source of Discontentment

Most of us live externally, being stimulated by external events, activities, people, places and things. When really we are powerless over them.

What is driving your life today? Maybe it is the new job, new relationship, old job, old relationship, or simply the future.

How come we make things outside of ourselves the center of our lives?

None of these things seem to fulfill us, it is impossible to have them last. We get a rush of excitement over a new pair of shoes, but that is fleeting. Then we want something else, more to give us a rush of energy. Welcome to the source of discontentment!

All it takes is asking the right question and sitting quietly to shift from external to internal. And to sit through any discomfort and any feeling to move through the experience and go deeper for insight.

Many times something will come up in our minds that can trigger into a question. For example, you can’t help but notice that you keep having potential dates cancel. It is too easy to just blame the other person. But if this is a pattern, it begs for an examination What is my part in this situation? Listen. Feel all the feelings, look at all the things that come up for examination. This is one of the biggest keys to unlocking traumas from your past in order to bring a sense of freedom and help create new healthy patterns and habits.