Most people are dominated by their minds as they try to avoid any feelings that the mind is perceiving. Most people also probably think they are coming from their hearts. But the mind can easily trick us into believing that we are good-hearted people doing the right thing. Many might incorrectly think that being heart-centered is equal to being weak.
But this heart space is what creates the best insights, inspiration, and creativity. And no worries, you can have boundaries while living in this space. It is just that the new boundaries are coming from the heart and not the head.
We actually create healthier relationships by being heart-centered because we have empathy and compassion for the other person. And lastly, we are actually more authentic living from this space, because we can access the part of us that connects to others.
The mind is powerful and needs to be used for analyzing and reasoning, but in instances of big decisions, the heart always wins, especially if other people are involved in the equation. Let’s say you are inspired to do something in your life; take a course correction in your career for example. That is coming from your heart.
But what happens immediately after is that the doubts and fears start popping up. “What if I am not good enough?” “I am too old to start this now.” Your energy has just shifted into your mind where doubt and fear live. Any thoughts that are limiting you to be the full expression of yourself are not heart-centered thoughts.
Anytime you are sitting in judgment about another person, your mind is running the show. Anytime you must defend and rationalize, you are operating out of your mind. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but you might come to the realization that your mind limits you. The first step is just to observe without judgment and practice shifting your energy into your heart. Try to find the balance of living from a place of acceptance and love. In this space, you will always make the most conscious and loving choices for yourself.