Many times our days are highjacked from events from our past. Internal memories being stimulated by external events. This can cause us to not be present in the moment. So what’s the matter?
Do you find yourself reminiscing or daydreaming about the past only to find yourself out of sorts, angry, or irritated? If so, you are under the influence of unexamined emotions and feelings caused by past events.
These events were unpleasant, or as we say wounds. Wounds that send out ideas that affect your emotions that create attitudes in the moment.
Because the wound has not been addressed, it has the ability to highjack your day, the hour, the moment. You are living in the past trying to be in the present, and projecting into the future. These are signals within your body; you are upset for no reason at all. Because your wounds have not been addressed, they can divert your joy and happiness at any given hour or day. You are being influenced by the past, trying to living in the present, while projecting about the future.
How many times do you keep going over and over things from the past? You are under the influence of your past wounds trying to find a freedom that is elusive.
How do you become the observer and not the participant? In order to deal with your past hurts, you must feel it to heal it. You can become your own healer, by moving it throughout your body. Then it will no longer have the same influence over your ideas, attitudes, and emotions.
Many times the healthy way is to ask, “Why am I feeling this way?” Stop and listen to what the answer is. Maybe you were hit as a child when you dropped your food. Observe. Feel. Accept. Breathe. Release. Now feel the freedom from releasing the past and making room for something brighter and lighter.