The hero of a film is not perfect. He has what the film industry calls, a fatal flaw. If he were perfect in the story, the film would become ponderous and boring to watch. There would be no point to the story. We are all like the hero in the film. We all have flaws.
The hero, in fact, comes from a place of being wounded. So how then does he or she come to a heroic place from that? They have the courage to face their past wounds.
Dorothy, in The Wizard of Oz, didn’t appreciate or value the people in her life before the tornado hit her home. She wasn’t even aware of her lack of appreciation. Then her journey with her friends to the land of Oz activates the courage to appreciate and not feel a victim. Toward the end of the story she utters the famous line, “There’s no place like home.”
Where or what is YOUR home? What do you appreciate about your home?