What is the Dynamic of Recovery?

The Journey Within is meant to awaken the inner being that is asleep or that is covered in darkness. Then you become aware of the powers and possibilities of the authentic self so that you are no longer the little personality with a limited life. It will help you realize you have a direct connection to Divine Source by taking you beyond all mental ideas and beliefs which are only half-truths. Through questioning, it will transform the ignorant mind into an openness, where Divine Thought can now reside.

One of the most powerful things you can do is meditate and focus inward, breathe, remain present. Don’t seek to change, seek to allow. Notice what you see, feel, sense, and then identify feelings associated with it. Simply be present with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. If you have difficulty with your negative thoughts or feelings, remember when you felt safe, and loved, and bring that sensation into the hurtful situation.

Your reactions will tell you how your mind is made up, because Divine Truth has no reaction. The mind reacts according to its conditioning and much of it is unconscious. To know thyself, become the observer, impersonally looking at the things you talk about, things you believe, and your attitudes. Observe without condemning, without fear, in order to free yourself from them. Through this process you will discover yourself, you will see how you have been conditioned through fear, judgment, and resistance. 

To fully know your thoughts and how they arise and to understand your bondage is the beginning of wisdom. If you do not know yourself, meditation has no meaning. You are conditioned by prejudices, beliefs, and what others tell you. Until you start to assert your creative faculty of discerning that which is not true, you will have distorted thinking and a distorted realty. You can never see the Divine Truth while living in the false.

First you must see what makes you believe in anything, then you will see what makes you antagonistic to another belief, idea, or person. If you start out conditioned by your own opinions, then you will see only through that conditioning. If you are filled with ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’, you are merely projecting your own conditioning. It is important to understand that the mind is made dull through judging, blaming, avoidance, and even through acceptance and resistance. When you are freed from all conditioning in your relationship to self, there you will find freedom and peace and love. 

As long as the mind is in conflict by blaming, resisting, condemning, there can be no understanding and no relationship with one another, let alone yourself. You are first at war with yourself! Your ideas, attitudes and emotions keep you locked up and in bondage to yourself. Your fears are made up in your mind and what is made up in the mind is not truth. It is only your mind that changes from one idea to another. When you start to realize that not everything you think and believe is true, your mind will start to free itself. In that freedom you will begin to become authentic.

No one can do this for you. You have to find it out alone by going within. The truth of another can never be your truth. You must experience the truth by yourself. The experience becomes the teacher. And that is how you will connect to a power beyond the mind, something more powerful than you can ever imagine. When you learn how to connect to the Divine, you will be vibrating at a high level, you will then bring in similar high level opportunities for your future experience. The inner work will liberate you from the imprisoned smallness and sufferings of the personality and mind.